Tuesday, May 27

August 9, 1535
It is hard to believe it has been just four months since I left from St. Malo with my three ships from King Francis I, the Grande Hermine, Petit Hermine and Emerillon. Each ship is wonderfully crafted although the Emerillon is quite smaller and only has 2 cannons, while the Grande Hermine has 12. Since I left France, my intentions for this voyage are to find the Northwestern passage to China and locate Sanguenay. It has been wonderful to travel back west towards the La Grande Riviere, but the ocean has been rough and has set us off coarse for nearly a month. Luckily, I have my two native Indians and an astrolabe with me to guide the ships as we enter the Sanguenay fjord to reach the La Grande Riviere. In return for their help, I am letting my two captives, Dom Agaya and Taignogny return home. It is almost winter and the friendly natives here have allowed us to dock the ships in the harbor I named St. Croix, near the Indian village of Stadacona. Although Chief Donnacona, the headman of Stadacona, does not wish for me to travel to explore the Indian village of Holchelaga, I do not want not obey his wishes and even though he has tried with multiple bribes to keep me to stay, I am preparing for the trip as we speak. The thought of new land for France is too great to give up! We may find riches in the village! I have prepared longboats to travel up the river, with 28 sailors and 2 shipmasters to accompany me. Since I have been told that the river has many narrow channels, I hope the longboats are ready to make the four-day trip up towards Hochelaga.

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