Tuesday, May 27

(September 30, 1542)
Our once firmly established settlement is experiencing much turbulence. Charlesbourg royal is the first French settlement here in the New World, but its existence is threatened. The natives tire of our presence, but we must fight to remain! Crops have been planted and a magnificent fort towers over the barren land. I have named Vicompte Beaupre to govern when I journey back to France, for he is an experienced leader.
A few months ago, I struck great fortune! Accompanied by a crew of several men, I left the Charlesbourg to go survey the rapids between Holchelaga and Sanguenay. I paused at an Indian village and exchanged gifts with them. They were delighted to receive tin basins, knives, and buttons. I felt I owed the chief a favor because he once gave me his young daughter. We left behind two young boys to teach French custom and language to the natives. When we resumed our journey, our crew was finally halted by perilous rapids. We continued on foot until another friendly group of natives led us to a site filled with gold and diamonds! But on our return to Charlesbourg, we learned the Iroqois had threatened our settlement. I have prepared all able bodied men to defend the colony for France!

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